I am not even counting the days anymore and I know that it can be super hard to find and maintain your staying at home motivation. And even with the latest announcement of the government to loosen up the strict rules of the lockdown, we all know that this doesn’t mean getting back to normal.

It is actually a fact that our “new normal” will be different from what we were used before the virus as it remains present for now.

But after a few weeks at home, I’ve learned that it’s all about maintaining a routine with some exceptions in-between that will cheer you up and will let you mentally stay in a good place.

Here is my best advice for how to keep your spirits high:

  1. Have a daily routine so you can’t fall in a deep whole or drown in Netflix series

    I know this might be easier when being a mom as you still need to be there for your kids and fulfill their needs. So my advice would be to set yourself up with a daily schedule on when to have breakfast, lunch and dinner. This will also imply to set up an alarm clock to keep track and don’t fall into bad sleeping habits

  2. Make sure you stay healthy

    I know junk food is very convenient and so delicious. But while currently moving your body less than before you should definitely not fall for the junk and instead create a meal plan and cook delicious and healthy recipes. If not now when will you ever have the time to advance your cooking skills?

  3. Stay in shape

    After my daughter has been born I have been a little bad on this. Going to the gym or doing other sports were no option anymore once Emilia started walking. I never thought of the option of working out at home but when I started trying at home during the lockdown, I discovered how easy this actually went with Emilia. I didn’t pressure myself and adapted my workout to my daughter’s mood so one day I could do 30 minutes and the other only 15 minutes. This was ok as long as I tried to workout every day. After I have been doing this now for a few weeks I can already tell that I was able to reactivate the muscles I had before getting pregnant and that I feel so much stronger than I did before. I also got rid of my backpain.

    The workouts I did and still do variate, so I do not always need to wear a full sportswear look. And if somedays I feel like only doing a light workout because I know that I have to run behind Emilia the next minute, I love wearing my super comfy Rossignol sneakers. They are perfect to wear for a little workout or a “socially distanced” walk in the forrest. They are also very chic for a hangout on the terrace and right now the best accessory I could wear during this lockdown.

I hope I could inspire you a little and wish you all the best for your hang out at home.




This blogpost was written in collaboration with 360brandconncetion for Rossignol